We offer ready prepared training courses and bespoke training to suit your needs.

Clean Code for Embedded Systems

In the book Clean Code, Robert C Martin, James Grenning and other leaders in the software craftsmanship movement highlighted coding practices that help to produce high quality, maintainable, tested code that is flexible giving it a long life as business needs change. The topic areas are just as valid in Embedded Systems as in other parts of the software industry. However, Embedded systems are special, we have additional constraints, limited resources, changing hardware platforms, changing operating systems, non-existent hardware, and safety-critical systems to name a few.

This course covers twelve facets of clean code, and adapting them to embedded systems.


Test Driven Development for Embedded C/C++

Test Driven Development is, in our opinion the key skill to master to improve the design and quality of software. There are particular benefits for embedded systems allowing software to be tested away from embedded hardware dramatically speeding development.

We both recommend and deliver Test Driven Development for Embedded C/C++ training from Wingman Software. These training courses, written and honed by James Grenning are proven to be highly effective.


Bespoke Iterative Training

We believe that training and education should be provided as rapidly as possible to maximise the benefit of the training. In an Agile development process teams regularly review how they work to look for areas to improve. In a SCRUM process, this happens once a sprint in the sprint Retrospective. In the retrospective, the team identify one or two experiments to help improve their process over the next sprint. Do teams have the knowledge of what is possible, and of what experiments to try? By observing the team we identify gaps in their knowledge, potential process or engineering improvements. Having identified gaps we develop a short training session to be delivered to the team before the next retrospective.
