I have previously posted on how to install trac, SVN and jenkins on the Raspberry Pi, and also on how to install (see the bottom of this post for related posts). When using Eclipse there are helpful plugins that tightly integrate all of these tools. This post covers the installation and configuration of these tools....
Tag: subversion
trac performance
There are suggestions for improving performance at http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracPerformance. With my existing configuration I had it typical page loads are taking 4 to 5 seconds, after making the changes below typical page loads are around a second, some faster some slower (loading the first page takes longer). Related Posts Installing Trac and SVN on the Raspberry Pi...
svn pre-commit hook to ensure a valid trac ticket is referenced
In my previous post I configured the svn post-commit hook so that tickets referenced in the svn commit message had a link to the changes and the commit message added to the ticket comments. This post describes how to configure the svn to prevent commits that do not reference a valid ticket. The trac community...
Configuring trac
This post covers how I have configured trac, and trac svn integration, it follows on from Installing Trac and SVN on the Raspberry Pi. It is intended just as a personal reminder, but if it is helpful… Adding SVN repository to trac Detailed instructions can be found in TracRepositoryAdmin in the trac wiki. You are then...
Installing SVN and trac on Raspberry Pi
This post is step by step instructions for installing subversion (SVN) 1.8.10 and trac on the Raspberry Pi. I am writing it as a reminder to myself, but if you find it useful… Beforehand It’s a good idea to get up to date sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade Install Subversion First of all I...