Integrating trac and Jenkins

In this post I cover how I have integrated Trac and Jenkins using HudsonTracPlugin and Jenkins Trac Plugin. I am running both Trac and Jenkins on a Raspberry Pi 2.

Trac Plugin

The Trac Plugin is a plugin for Jenkins that creates links from Jenkins projects to Trac instances. 
As an example, if you committed a change with the following log message: 

The Trac plugin decorates Jenkins “Changes” HTML to create links to your Trac wiki, tickets, changesets, and source browser.
Reverted changeset:123 to close ticket #456.
your Jenkins job changes page would make changeset:123 and #456 hyperlinks to the appropriate Trac changeset and ticket pages, respectively.
In the Jenkins change details, there would be a link to the Trac pages for the:


  • changeset committed,
  • files changed, and
  • diff of the changes for each changed file.

Installation involved browsing to Jenkins->Manage Jenkins->Manage Plugins->Available, selecting Available Plugins and then checking the Edgewall Trac Plugin.
The plugin is then configured as part of a build configuration

As simple as that, references to changesets and ticket numbers are now shown as hyperlinks and there is a link from the build page back to trac.


The HudsonTracPlugin is a Trac plugin that includes Jenkins build results into the Trac timeline and (optionally) provides a navbar menu to link to the Jenkins instance.

As a newbie I found the documentation for installing this plugin to be somewhat limited. It was actually remarkably easy.

The first step is to install the plugin which is written in python using easy_install, so in a terminal session to the RPi

sudo easy_install

This gave the following output
Doing subversion checkout from to /tmp/easy_install-xAXEIt/0.10
Processing 0.10
Running -q bdist_egg –dist-dir /tmp/easy_install-xAXEIt/0.10/egg-dist-tmp-vkGSex
unrecognized .svn/entries format; skipping .
unrecognized .svn/entries format in 
zip_safe flag not set; analyzing archive contents…
Adding HudsonTrac 0.5-r0 to easy-install.pth file


Installed /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/HudsonTrac-0.5_r0-py2.7.egg
Processing dependencies for HudsonTrac==0.5-r0

Finished processing dependencies for HudsonTrac==0.5-r0

I then chose to reboot my RPi, I suspect I could have just restarted apache.

Using a browser I then went to the Trac Admin->Plugins page, HudsonTrac 0.5-r0 was now listed, I enabled it and Applied Changes as shown.

Finally I logged back in to the RPi and edited trac.ini

sudo vi /var/trac/projects/prod/conf/trac.ini

I added the following to the end of the file

alternate_success_icon = true
api_token =
display_build_descriptions = false
display_building = true
display_culprit = false
display_in_new_tab = false
display_modules = false
job_url =
list_changesets = true
main_page =
password =
timeline_opt_label = Builds
username  =

I restarted Apache and it worked 🙂 Builds are shown in the timeline, they act as links to the builds on Jenkins. There is also a builds tab added to the trac navbar.

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