1. Christiaan du Plessis4th September 2016

    Hi David.

    Thank you for the great work you have done by making available the Codesys for UniPi Package, it works great. I would like to ask you a huge favour, could you maybe assign I13 and I14 of the UniPi to GPIO5 and GPIO6, so that they could be available for use with the RPI 3B? And then I would like to ask weather there is a way of adding the UniPi 1Wire Extension Modules to a Codesys Project?

    Thank you

    1. David5th September 2016

      Hi Christiaan,

      Thank you for the positive feedback.

      With regard to the GPIO, I have assigned I13 and I14 to the GPIO listed in the UniPi technical documentation. These pins are not available on the RPI2 and RPI3, however I think it would not be a good idea to set a driver loose using a non-standard pinout.

      Regarding the 1wire extension modules, each of the modules would need a driver to be written. I believe that UniPi will need to be convinced that there is a demand before they will ask me to produce drivers.

      regards David


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